Greetings, friends! If in all previous articles I talked about manual exercises, then in this article we will talk about a vacuum pump - a special device for penis enlargement.
Warning!My goal in this article is to introduce you to the principles of using a vacuum pump for penis enlargement. If you're reading this for the first time, I strongly advise against starting your enlargement journey with a vacuum pump - it's far from the best option. Also, by starting the pump early, you run the risk of stunting growth.

What is a vacuum pump?
The vacuum pump was originally created to combat erectile dysfunction. Penis enlargement was a side effect. How does this device work?
vacuum pump- This is a transparent cylinder, a bottle with an inlet but no outlet. Specifically, there is an outlet, but it is a small hole to which a pipe is attached. A thin hose, in turn, is attached to a pump to pump the air out of the bottle. The pump is often represented by a cheap hand bulb, as happens, for example, in cheap pumps in sex shops. On expensive pumps, a special gun pump with a pressure gauge is installed to monitor the pressure in the ball.
The operating principle is simple:
- The penis is inserted into the vial.
- The bottle is pressed firmly against the pubis.
- The air is evacuated from the vial using a hand pump. A negative pressure is created in the flask, or, as they say, a vacuum. As a result, the cavernous bodies are filled with blood, which causes an artificial erection.
After the pumping session, the member maintains an erection for some time, which, in conjunction with the use of erection-enhancing agents or an erection ring, makes it possible to have sexual intercourse.
However, users of vacuum pumps have noted that after pumping sessions the member looks more massive than usual. As it turned out later, the use of a vacuum pump did indeed increase the penis, but not for long: at the end of the day, the penis still returned to its former size. After learning this, sex device sellers started selling the vacuum pump as a penis enlargement device. This is how the vacuum pump gained its popularity.
Mechanisms of penis enlargement during pumping
Temporary increase
What causes pumping to cause a temporary increase?
- Mechanism 1.With prolonged pumping (you'll learn more about set times later in the article), the elastin fibers in the tunica of the penis are stretched. This allows the corpora cavernosa to hold more blood, thereby increasing the girth of the penis. After a few hours, when the elastin fibers return to their previous length, the penis girth will return to its usual norm.
- Mechanism 2.The second penis enlargement mechanism is lymphatic flow. During pumping, not only a lot of blood, but also lymph flow into the penis. It is concentrated under the skin (in the foreskin), which causes the effect of the so-called "doughnut" after the end of the pumping session. During the first courses with a pump, the lymph floods more strongly. Later, the amount of lymph during pumping is significantly reduced. In general, lymph is not dangerous and is not a negative sign. In addition, a few hours after the course, the lymph will leave your penis through the lymphatic channels, and everything will return to normal. If possible, make sure the amount of lymph is not excessive.
Permanently increase
To increase permanently, it is necessary to combine the use of the pump with manual exercises. Then, with special pumping modes, it will be possible to stretch the tunic, and in the next cycle "pump" the caverns. With each of these tasks, with a competent approach, the vacuum pump successfully copes.
The vacuum pump can be used as an independent device or can be combined with the main manual program. The second option is preferable.
By using the pump in conjunction with manual exercises, you can achieve a much higher result in increasing frequency converter. Thus, with the help of a vacuum pump, it is possible to increase both the length and the girth of the penis.
Types of pumping
Packaging- This is the pumping mode to stretch the tunic. Wrapping requires a narrow flask in which the erect member cannot swell widthwise, so the force of the vacuum will pull it lengthwise. This method allows you to increase the length of the penis, as well as stretch the tunic.
Classic pumping
Classic pumping- it's pumping into a wide ball. The force of the vacuum in such a flask causes the limb to swell in width, filling the cavities with blood to the limit. With a stretched tunic, this method of pumping can effectively increase the girth of the penis.
How to create a training program for each of the objectives? Read further in the article.
Safety rules for working with a vacuum pump
A vacuum pump is quite an effective tool for penis enlargement. However, with thoughtless use, you will only get injuries and darkening of the penis. Please read this article carefully before using the device.
Do not violate the following rules in any way:
- If you feel pain, stop the pumping session immediately. Find out what is causing the pain. If the cause was an injury, wait for complete healing before the next session. If the cause of the pain was, for example, pinching of the skin, the problem should be resolved and the pumping session should be resumed.
- Never rush. Don't make the pumping session suffer! Increase the pressure (more precisely, decrease it, since a vacuum is created in the bottle) gently, week after week. The secret to growth is not in crazy loads, but in constant and competent training.
- Never exceed 40 minutes of expression session per set! One hour is the time limit for a light load. At this time, you need to approach slowly. With a prolonged vacuum, blood ceases to circulate freely in the penis, as a result of which the cells of the penis begin to die. I will talk about pumping progress below.
- Don't pump too often. The pumping session is a very pleasant thing: the member in the pump swells to an impressive size, which is pleasant to see. However, you don't need to pump 3 times a day. Your goal is penis enlargement, not the admiration of the temporary effect. Exercising too often interferes with growth. Therefore, follow the training program, which you will learn about later in the article.
I considered it my duty to warn you against possible gross pumping errors, but do not be in a hurry to be afraid. The penis is surprisingly strong, it is quite difficult to hurt it. With proper training, the risk of injury tends to be nil.
Vacuum Pump Training Program
Consider two training programs:
- The first program aims to stretch the tunica albuginea of the penis.
- The second program aims to "pump" the caves.
Two different bottles are required for each of the two programs. The hose and pump for pumping air are universal for all bottles. The first type of formation requires a narrow packer. How to choose the size of the vial according to the size of the penis can be found on the Internet.
Protein membrane stretch program (length)
The filling bottle should be narrow enough: the erect penis does not swell in width during filling, the walls of the bottle limit expansion, but the penis is elongated in length.
Training program:
- Testicular massage - 5 min.
- Steam heating - 10-15 minutes.
- Light straight stretches in all directions - 10-15 minutes.
- High tension rope - 10 min.
- Rope or A-stretch (depending on your preference). You can include the reverse thrust here, as well as sit on a limb.
- Light Jelq - 50 reps. Before you start pumping, you need to prepare the penis for pumping. Jelq is perfect for this purpose. Dry or wet jelq, whichever works best for you.
- Packaging. We will now describe in detail how the pumping session takes place.
Packing procedure
Bring the penis to 80-90% erection, lubricate with cream or liquid Vaseline, then insert it into the bottle and press firmly against the pubis. Try not to get the Vaseline on the scrotum, otherwise it will also be sucked into the vial. If this happens, don't tolerate it: remove the vial, wipe the scrotum dry with a towel, and reinsert the penis into the vial. If friction prevents stretching, lubricate the inside of the bottle itself with sliding cream-oil. The slip must be 100%.
On high-quality pumps there is a pressure gauge, it shows the pressure in the pump. I cannot give you the optimal pressure indicators, because for someone 4 units will seem like a tangible load, while the other will not feel anything. You need to watch the pressure for another reason: you need to know what brand you started at, so that you can then increase the load smoothly and not go overboard.
The member in the flask will stretch to its full length. Follow your feelings. Stop the series in case of pain.
Training sets
Rest between sets for 3 to 5 minutes. At this point, light stretching can be done. Before the next set, again bring the penis to 80-90% erection.
- First set.Spend the first series on a light load: do not try to pump all the air to stretch the penis to the maximum in the first approach. If at first you start gesturing, this will slow down growth. Everything in its time. Do light exercises for 10 min.
- Second series.The next set you can increase the pressure a little. This is where a pressure gauge is useful: look at the pressure gauge and increase the pressure a little. Also allow 10-15 minutes for the second set.
- Third series.For the third set, do not increase the pressure, but increase the time to 20 minutes. You should feel good throughout the set. No pain !
After the sets
After packing light jelq again, literally 30-50 light reps. Don't try to do a full hard jelq like on a vascular program. In this case, you need jelq to increase blood circulation, because during pumping blood stagnates in the penis.
Then do medium-strength straight pull-ups for 5 to 10 minutes.
Measure the BPFSL parameter before and after training. If there is a WUP after a workout, you are doing everything right. Otherwise, read the articles carefully and analyze your workouts.
At the end of your workout, coat your penis with bruise and bruise ambulance or similar ointment.
Training is over. Preferred schedule 2/1 or 3/1. Never forget about rest, but you shouldn't be lazy either. Monitor the condition of the penis, train competently, diligently, listen to Mr. Jons`a, and your penis will definitely grow.
Increase load
And now a little more about increasing the load. All week, do not exceed the specified load. The first set is easy, 10 minutes, the second set is a slightly increased load and also 10-15 minutes, the third set at the same pressure is 20 minutes. In a week, slightly, just a little, increase the load for the first set, therefore, the second set will be with an even greater load, the third set at the same pressure, but already 20 minutes. The scheme is simple.
So, week by week, gradually increase the load. This will help you get the best results. After a few weeks, when you gain experience, then increase the duration of the series to 15 minutes for the first series, 20 minutes for the second and 25 minutes for the third.
With enough experience, you can upgrade and modify your training program, based on the examples I gave.
Continue stretching the tunic until you have increased the difference between BPFSL and BPEL to 2 cm or more, then proceed to the vascular cycle. However, if you've read all the previous articles and done it right, you already know that.
Vascular program using a pump
List of exercises:
- Testicular massage - 5 min.
- Steam heating - 10-15 minutes.
- Medium strength direct pull - 5 min.
- Jelq - 100 reps.
- Erect curls - 10 min.
- Sitting on a semi-erect limb - 10 min.
- Pumping session.
Driving order
The pumping session on the vascular cycle is exactly the same as on the stretching cycle of the tunic, with the only exception that the vial in this case is wide, not narrow, and the penis swells in width. The session time and the principle of increasing the load are exactly the same. You can always read this material again.
Do push-ups between sets. 10 to 15 pushes between sets will suffice. The combination of a vacuum pump and thrusts results in simply fantastic VUPs. Punch carefully. If you feel the load is too heavy, slow down and shorten the workout.
Finally, do a light jelq to activate your circulation.
Training is over. At the end of the workout, lubricate the penis with an ambulance ointment for bruises and contusions or the like. 2/1 or 3/1 program.
Thanks to this program, after a cycle of stretching the tunic, I was able to increase the circumference of the penis by 0. 5 cm per month. It was a good result! Then the growth slowed, after which I went back to the tunic stretch cycle.
Pay attention to your sex organ. If you feel that the limb is not ready for such a load or has not recovered, rest.
To track training effectiveness, you can measure penis girth before and during training. However, you should try to measure it before the limb fills with lymph. The circumference enlarged by the lymph does not concern us. We need a clean WUP. And the greater the difference between measurements at the start and during training, the better. If the difference increases from week to week, you are on the right track.
Some important points
Now let's look at some important points of classic pumping.
Moment 1 - Manual exercises + pump
The vacuum pump is a great addition to the main exercise program and improves the effect of training. You should not switch to a single use of the pump - it would be a bad decision.
Moment 2 - Lymph
When exercising with a pump, the penis is strongly "flooded" with lymph. The first training sessions of the lymph can be more, after several sessions they "flood" less.
If there is a lot of lymph, you can divide the set into two stages, with a break between stages of 30 seconds.
To avoid a large amount of lymph, pumping in a condom will allow. Yes, don't be surprised. In a condom, the skin is tightly pressed, which prevents lymph from accumulating underneath. This does not affect the overall training effectiveness.
Moment 3 - Healing creams
At the end of training, you must use a healing cream. This will help heal redheads quickly and prevent penis darkening.
Moment 4 - Blood while pumping
With the classic expression, it is advisable to drink aspirin before training (about. ed.consult your doctor first). It increases blood flow and prevents the formation of blood clots.
During exercise at increased loads, a few small drops of blood may come out of the urethra. This is due to damage to the vessels of the urethra. In this case, stop the session immediately and give yourself two weeks of rest. During rest, drink the drug "Ascorutin" to strengthen blood vessels or a proven analogue. You should also take vitamin E.
After two weeks of rest, resume training, but start gradually: after two weeks of light training, resume full training.
Moment 5 - Sex after training
I believe that after a workout, having sex or masturbating is not worth it. Give yourself and your member a rest. Make love next time.
Moment 6 - Darkening of the skin
With active classic pumping, the skin of the penis may darken a little. This happens when the conditions I described in the program are not met: warming up, adequacy of the load, use of creams after training. In any case, darkening is not a painful sign. I have described the darkening mechanism in previous articles.
Parting Words and Wishes
My friends, you already know a lot about penis enlargement. I'm sure you've already got your first results, the first centimeters. Keep practicing and you will get even more.
You could not fail to notice that the duration of the workouts I have described exceeds one hour. Yes, it is quite long, but at this stage it is necessary. After the growth of a beginner, after the first centimeters, it is increasingly difficult to achieve a greater increase. The limb adapts to the loads, so workouts also become more challenging. But do not be discouraged, everything is in your hands!
Who wants, he will achieve. Nobody promised it would be easy. Patience to you friends and growth!